Useful Intellij HotKeys and tricks in OSX

Search everywhere: Shift + Shift Find in Project: Cmd + Shift + F Add a breakpoint: Cmd + F8 Duplicate a line: Cmd + D Run in debug mode: Shift + F9 Run: Shift + F10 Stop Run/Debug Session: Cmd + F2 Pop open the terminal: Alt + F12 Find usages of a method or variable: Option + F7 Show currently-executing line: Option + F10 Tab to autocomplete: One annoyance with IntelliJ is that autocompletion doesn’t account for a token already being present before it inserts. So you end up having to delete text if you’re already in the middle of a method name and do autocomplete, for example. A way around this is to hit the Tab key instead of the return key when doing autocomplete. This will then autocomplete in the way that you’d expect.

